From: Stephen Dmetruk <> Subject: Moving to Yakima – looking for weekday dog visits while at work
Message Body: My wife and I are moving from Bellingham to Yakima in mid-April with our two border collies. We are thinking of renting a home in the West Valley (8603 West Arlington), but would need to hire someone to visit the dogs around lunchtime to let them out in the fenced backyard and feed them their midday meal. We take them out on hikes and trail runs before and after work, but 8 hours is too long to leave a border collie alone and wanted to make sure that a daily visit could be arranged before we committed to a house that was too far from our offices for us to visit them at lunch. We would anticipate needing 5 days per week for a couple of months, but would expect that our needs would taper to 2-3 days per week. Please feel free to call us to discuss – I’m at 912-713-2092, and my wife Kelly is at 912-713-2093.

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